Planters Horizontal

Front Porch Planter: And the Winner Is…

House & Home Simple. Savvy. Splurge.

A few weeks ago I shared with you that we were on the hunt for new planters for our front porch. I even shared 12 of my favorites with prices ranging from a small budget to a bigger budget (I like to call it “Simple, Savvy, or Splurge”). If you’re in the market for a planter for your porch or patio, check out this post!


SOURCES: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

And the winner is…

Well friends, we’ve made our choice! It was a tough decision, but we loved the contrast that these bright white planters brought to the front porch. We went with the larger 18″ planter (#9 above) as well as a slightly smaller one in the same family, the 14″ Textured Ceramic White Planter. The space seemed too large for just one and we like the dimension two planters creates!

Planters Horizontal

To add some height, we picked a small version of our favorite tree: arborvitae!  And then we added beautiful, lovely, and ever so temperamental impatiens. This is our current reality: drooping impatiens fighting for blooms. We’re being patient and hopeful that they will renew!

Planters Close Up

Front Porch Close

Diagonal Front Porch

Planter Texture

It’s funny, as I’ve been telling people my woes with our impatiens, most of them have said something like, “Oh, impatiens are so tough to work with.” What we didn’t know then, we know now! While it’s frustrating, this is part of the process, right? In our homes, in our hobbies, in our yards, in our relationships. We can’t always learn quickly, but we can learn and grow from our experiences, from trying new things and maybe even getting it wrong sometimes. We’re learning and growing over here at RH and trying to remind ourselves it’s good for us and that God meets us here. It happens over time in the small things that not everyone will notice. This is beautiful.

Impatiens Dead

We thought about changing out our impatiens, because we had the same thing happen in our backyard planters. But guess what? After 3 weeks of no blooms and being indecisive about replacing them, we have ONE bloom! Rejoice! Soaking in the bloom that we didn’t expect.

Impatiens New Bloom

What we’re working on in the backyard

It may not look like it to you, but this yard has come a loooong way since we first got the house. I’ll be sharing more about that in another post (including the wild before photos!). If you don’t want to miss it, I have an email list where you can subscribe to receive my latest blog posts. Sign-up here! Sometimes posts get lost in the sea of others on social media.


This weekend, we’re planning on mulching our flowerbeds and planting the new flowers we’ve chosen because they’re resilient and hardy: Periwinkles (also known as Vinca) & Begonias. 🙂 For the first time, we’re having a local shop deliver mulch to us in bulk; you know, when they dump it on your driveway?

Begonias Periwinkles

I found these hydrangeas at Aldi a few days ago for $9.99! Such a steal. We’re looking forward to adding some color to our space, plus some sweet memories. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and, along with roses, were in my wedding bouquet!


Stay tuned to see the progress and follow along! If you’d like to see more “in the moment” updates, come on over to Instagram or Facebook.


Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

2 thoughts on “Front Porch Planter: And the Winner Is…”

  1. Love following your house projects. I’m a friend of Patty’s and knew Mike through School, church and lived in my neighborhood.He always stopped to sell Boy Scout items. The nicest family you married into but I’m sure you already know that!

    1. Thank you, Melanie!! And thank you for sharing that! Yes, I am so blessed to be part of their family now! The best in-laws who raised an exceptional man who is now the best husband! 🙂 Thanks for following along!! So glad to have you part of this.

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